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ATSG approaches each project from the business impact standpoint first. Next, technology options are assessed; then development, implementation and support plans are established. ATSG follows the industry standard PPDIOO framework as described below:


In the Prepare phase, ATSG evaluates the technologies required to satisfy your business needs. We gather information about your business and technical environment that we use in our high-level design. Then, we create a business case for our proposed technology solution that provides the best return on your investment.


In the Plan phase, ATSG assesses your readiness to support our proposed solution. Planning continues our needs analysis begun in the Prepare phase, with the goal of producing a high-level project plan and an initial site survey.


In the Design phase, ATSG develops a detailed design -- using the project plan that we developed in the Plan phase -- for the technology solution that meets your requirements. Our design will be scalable for future growth.


In the Implementation phase, ATSG introduces the technology solution into your IT environment with the least amount of disruption and the highest level of interoperability with the existing equipment. To minimize downtime, an essential component of this process is the Implementation Plan.


During the Operate phase, ATSG ensures that your equipment operates efficiently and reliably. This includes daily utilization of performance management processes, including scheduled routine maintenance; keeping maintenance records; and maintaining up-to-date upgrade, troubleshooting, and recovery strategies.


During the Optimize phase, ATSG assesses your technology system -- including hardware and software – to see if its functionality and performance can be enhanced. Data is collecting and analyzed, and recommendations are made for optimizing your system. By maintaining the routine system management procedures that we set up for your equipment operations lifecycle, you will know when your equipment is reaching its performance limit, and needs to be upgraded.